sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

the reflection of our themselves and what we learned about the subject

BY: Sandra

  Since I have been taken Composition I, I have improved my writing skills what has allowed me to better my grades not only in this subject, but also in the rest of subjects I coursed. I have leant many things such as variety of faults when writing sentences and how to arrange them accurately. Among those faults we have: Sentences fragments, Comma splices and run-on sentences, and Mixed and Illogical constructions. Besides, I learnt about Faulty and Over coordination and Faulty and Over subordination, some of the most common mistakes in Composition. At the end of the course, students taught about Sentences Variety and Conciseness and Wordiness where each group explained a topic of the last units of the course and made practices about how to arrange writing mistakes. In order to be a good writer, it requires to go beyond the simplest things, and start looking for further and more complex information to apply in order to catch reader´s attention. I can say that a good composition helps someone to have better opportunities for getting a job; besides, it helps to create analysis, curiosity, and self-discipline.

BY: Tatiana 
  I consider that i have learnt a lot in this course because it help me to  improve in many areas of my life such as,  in other subjects and when applying for getting a job. Taking Composition I was such as an AMAZING experience that will make me have a critical perspective in reading and writing. Now that I know about composition, I will improve my learning even though I will make mistakes which would also help me to correct and learn about them. I will try to acquire as much as I can learn because I want to find new tools in order to make me feel more confident when writing. I am eager to discover new things in composition I and work better than i did this semester.

BY: Andrea

    Now that I took English Composition one, I could learn how to fix fragments, and how many types of them exist. Also, I was able to learn how to transmit a clear message even though I had many difficulties in order to fix the wrong ones. I also could learn about how important is avoid overload sentences because that get the reader confusing and obscure the main point of our messages. Besides I learned the properly uses of the FANBOYS, and how useful and important is in a correct way subordinate sentences, and also connector because those ones make our writing interesting. Another important thing I learned was how to avoid mixed and illogical contracture that not permit us convey clear a thought and that´s way writing it is not easy, but if I continue practice I know I am going to achieve it.

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